The members of Triptykon feel deeply grateful to be able to conclude a very significant year by being granted the following honors:
“Goetia“, the opening song of Triptykon’s debut album “Eparistera Daimones”, has been selected to be number one in a list of “Top 10 Songs Of 2010” by US websiteNoisecreep ( “Goetia” leads a roster of songs by bands such as Fear Factory, Nachtmystium, Iron Maiden, Scorpions, Deftones, and others. Top 10 Metal Songs Of 2010
“Eparistera Daimones” itself, meanwhile, has attained the second place in Heavy Metal’s list of “Best Heavy Metal Albums Of 2010” (, right behind Enslaved’s “Axioma Ethica Odini”. The list of 2010’s top 20 metal albums is completed by groups and artists such as Iron Maiden, Watain, Ihsahn, Immolation, Nachtmystium, Dark Funeral, 1349, and others. 2010 Best Heavy Metal CDs (10-1) 2010 Best Heavy Metal CDs (20-11)